Kingdom Hearts 3 – The Flantastic Seven

After clearing a world’s storyline, players can revisit the world to look for one of the “Flantastic Seven.” These unique Heartless cannot be defeated by normal means, but will instead trigger mini-games, resulting in exclusive fruit ingredients. Players looking for the flan should keep an eye out for a large fruit, cradled by an orange …

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Diablo 3: Darkening of Tristram Guide

From its’ development in late 2016, Blizzard has paid homage to the Diablo series’ origins, re-creating the first Diablo game within a free, annual event for Diablo 3. Ever since its’ launch in January 2017, Diablo 3’s Darkening of Tristram Event has reoccurred since. Now that the game has released on the Switch, I’m obligated …

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